Time to Unravel

This game is deceptive - it's too freaking adorable but death lurks around every corner! Drowning, plummeting to my death and angry otters are just a few ways that my cute lil yarn doll has died.

System Played On: PS5


My Trophies

  • The crabs - one picked me up and bashed me into the ground repeatedly. So crabby!

Favorite Enemy:

coming soon!

Game ListS:

  • Completed - I may revisit this for the Platinum Trophy in the future.

Final Death Count : 201

Sadly, many of these deaths were from lack of paying attention or from thinking too hard about what the next step was. Or that time I got trapped in a blizzard and was pulling the lamp incorrectly ... yeah, that was pure lack of brainpower.

played with:

This is a solo game :(

Tree Branch Watercolor


Trophy - Cold But Warm

Trophy - Reach Out

Clipped by seasons_locke

Clipped by seasons_locke

YouTube Squared


Gamer | Artist | American Misfit | (dah-nee-lah) or just call me Dee



PSN - danelah

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